The personal is indeed political.
Direct mail can be a great way to reach a broad swath of eyeballs. This is why politics leans this way. But there's always caveats. All mailings are only as good as your list.
Education and awareness are essential.
Often, the most effective campaigns span all manners of outreach. Digital, mail, outdoor, broadcast, guerrilla... A thoughtful approach matters.
- January 14, 2023
Politics and what make strange bedfellows? Nearly all campaigns—political, educational, awareness, etc.—share common roots. The goal is to distill the essential thread of information, make sure that point stays front and center, and then get that package in front of the right people. Political campaigns are rife with rules and regulations, and knowing what to do and how makes a big difference. Similarly, if the central art, the bits and pieces of the project, aren’t doing the work they need to do? Well, that’s usually the difference between a successful campaign and a waste of valuable resources.
And if you can do all that at the right time, too? Well, there’s usually a little bit more magic in the world.
- Art Direction
- Branding
- Design
- Illustration
- Strategy
- Writing